Selected Drawings & Other Artwork

Box for Keeping Small and Mid-sized Tragedies
Materials: wooden box, ink, paint
︎ WARNING: this box is for small and mid-sized tragedies only. Colossal tragedies require a different type of vessel. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO STUFF COLOSSAL TRAGEDIES IN THIS BOX.
Instructions for Box for Keeping Small and Mid-sized Tragedies
Step 1: Have a tragedy.
Step 2: Put tragedy in box.
Step 3: Wait for tragedy to stop being a tragedy, or let tragedy be one forever.
Step 4: Take peek at tragedy. See what tragedy is up to.
Step 5: Think of tragedy while tragedy is still in box, or do not think of tragedy at all.
Step 6: Wish tragedy well.
Step 7: Fill box with more tragedies as needed.
Step 8: Empty when full.
Step 9: Wait for more tragedies to arrive.
Step 10: Try not to think of tragedies before they happen.